Download Honista for PC


Honista for PC



Mode Features



101.7 MB

CPU Architecture


Updated on

January 28, 2025



What is Honista for PC?

Honista windows version also available that can be used on PC. As you know honista is a extended featured version of the most popular social media app Instagram. It empowers its users to use instagram premium features freely. An honista user can download HD media files, copy captions, comments, bios and as well as enjoy the ad free scrolling. It has a unique feature, Ghost Mode. It gives all control in the user’s hand to hide himself while using the app. So you can watch videos anonymously, hide the typing status and watch stories without knowing anyone.Looking for more options? Explore alternatives to honista for further customization.

How to Install Honista For PC/Windows

APK files are modified applications of the original ones. With these applications, you can enjoy free extra features using these files. In reality, we can’t open APK files directly on the Windows PC system; we must follow other steps to run into our system successfully.

Here, we will discuss some methods to install Honista APK for Windows.

Install Honista APK On a Windows PC Using Emulators

An emulator is an operative software used on your computer that allows you to operate different software for devices. For instance, with an emulator, you can launch and utilize Android applications and APK files on your Windows PC. Numerous free-of-cost emulators are easily accessible in the market; we will discuss mainly two.

  • Bluestacks
  • LDPlayer

How to Install Honista on PC with Bluestacks

To install Honista on your PC, you’ll need to follow a simple process using an Android emulator. One popular emulator is Bluestacks, and here’s a step-by-step guide:

STEP 1: Get Bluestacks

Start by downloading and installing Bluestacks, a reliable Android emulator for your PC. Visit the official Bluestacks website at, click on the download button, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

STEP 2: Sign in with Google

Once Bluestacks is installed, open the application. You’ll be prompted to sign in with your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, create one to proceed. Signing in is necessary to access the Google Play Store and sync app data.

STEP 3: Download Honista APK for PC

Visit a trusted source to download the Honista APK file. Make sure to avoid unverified websites to ensure the APK is safe and malware-free. Save the file in an easily accessible location on your PC.

STEP 4: Install Honista on Bluestacks

  • Open Bluestacks and locate the “Install APK” option on the right-hand menu.
  • Click on it and browse your PC to select the downloaded Honista APK file.
  • Bluestacks will automatically begin installing the app in its virtual Android environment.

STEP 5: Launch Honista on Bluestacks

Once the installation is complete, you’ll see the Honista app icon on the Bluestacks home screen. Click it to launch the app, log in to your account, and enjoy using Honista on your PC!

How to Install Honista on PC with LDPlayer

To install honista on your PC, you’ll need to follow a simple process using an Android emulator. One popular emulator is Bluestacks, and here’s a step-by-step guide:

STEP 1: Get LDPlayer

Download and install LDPlayer, another popular Android emulator, from its official website at Choose the version compatible with your system and follow the setup instructions to complete the installation.

STEP 2: Launch LDPlayer and Sign in with Google

Open LDPlayer after installation. Just like Bluestacks, it will ask you to sign in with a Google account. Use an existing account or create a new one to proceed. This step ensures you can use Google Play services within LDPlayer.

STEP 3: Download Honista APK for PC

Download the Honista APK file from a trusted website. Save the file in an accessible location on your PC so you can easily locate it later.

STEP 4: Install Honista on LDPlayer

  • Open LDPlayer and click on the “Install APK” option, which is usually available in the toolbar or menu
  • Browse your PC for the downloaded Honista APK file and select it.
  • LDPlayer will begin installing the app, setting it up in the virtual environment.

STEP 5: Launch Honista on LDPlayer

Once the installation is finished, the Honista app icon will appear on the LDPlayer home screen. Open it, log in to your account, and start using Honista on your PC with ease!

Key Features

Here are the key features of Honista:

  • Exclusive Emojis and Stickers: Access a unique collection of emojis and fun stickers.
  • 100+ Fonts: Customize your app and stories with over 100 font options.
  • Themes & UI Customization: Personalize the look and feel of your app.
  • Instagram Story Download: Save Instagram stories with a single tap.
  • Ghost Mode: Browse without leaving a trace.
  • Ad-Free Browsing: Enjoy uninterrupted browsing and content viewing.
  • Story Mention List: View and manage mentions in Instagram stories.
  • Auto-Open Next Story: Automatically move to the next story with a simple toggle.
  • Story Expiration Reminder: Get notified when a story expires.
  • Chat Encryption: Ensure the privacy and security of your messages.
  • Show Deleted Messages: View messages even after they’ve been deleted.
  • Multiple Account Support: Manage multiple Instagram accounts seamlessly.
  • Video and Image Downloader: Download videos and images directly from Instagram.
  • Download Instagram Reels: Save Instagram Reels with ease.
  • Profile Customization: Personalize your Instagram profile with custom bio and styles.
  • Backup and Restore Settings: Save your settings and restore them anytime.
  • Instagram Direct Message Management: Organize and manage DMs efficiently.
  • Custom Font Support: Use custom fonts for your Instagram bio and posts.
  • Hide View Status: Keep your Instagram activity private with hidden view status.
  • Advanced Filters: Apply unique filters to your Instagram content.
  • Multiple Language Support: Honista supports multiple languages including English, Hindi, Spanish, Arabic, and more.

These features make Honista APK a powerful tool for customizing your Instagram experience!


Honista is not only for Android but also available for PC to use. Honista offers its user to use some extended features of  INSTAGRAM as well as premium features freely. It empowers its user to download HD media, IGTC, copy and save captions, comments and the most important an ad free user experience. It offers a fast and enhanced such ghost mod and ghost settings.


Honista requires an Android emulator to run smoothly on a PC

Yes, Honista is free to use on both mobile devices and PCs.

Recommended emulators include LDPlayer, NoxPlayer, and BlueStacks.